Going Out in Style - 15% Off Remaining Inventory Until 31st January 2025!


  • Musings from a Granite Playground

    Musings from a Granite Playground

    Why do we climb mountains? An ageless question — one that infiltrates the mind of every climber to some degree. Many great climbers have pondered this, often arriving at diminutive...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Embracing your female climber body

    Embracing your female climber body

    Often times, I glance around the gym or crag and feel uncomfortable with how I look. In reality, I have a nearly perfect physique for excelling as a climber -...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Finding Your Strengths in Climbing

    Finding Your Strengths in Climbing

    It’s easy in the diverse sport of rock climbing to compare yourselves to others, whether it’s professional climbers on Instagram or members of your own community. The reality is that...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • How I use climbing to improve my mental wellbeing

    How I use climbing to improve my mental wellbeing

    Growing up, I was laughably clumsy. I struggled with depression and never felt present in my own body, which caused me a great deal of insecurity when experimenting with team...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Stoicism in climbing

    Stoicism in climbing

    Stoicism is an interesting school of thought for me and one that I really find helpful on a personal level. My first introduction to a “stoic” way of thinking was...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • A Woman’s Approach to Channelling Anxiety

    A Woman’s Approach to Channelling Anxiety

    I bite my lip and curse the fear that rises up from my chest, catching in my throat. The car jostles as we leave the gravel forest road and I...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Gerard - Most Memorable

    Gerard - Most Memorable

    Memorable is such a broad word; what makes a climb memorable, that really sick beta sequence from projecting it? Is it the rock that you’re on? How about the view?...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Cathy - Thirty years and counting

    Cathy - Thirty years and counting

    We had reached the short section of fixed rope below the Lower Saddle in the Grand Tetons when the youngster caught up with us. He had a huge rucksack and...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Andy - Gogarth, School Bullies and White Horses

    Andy - Gogarth, School Bullies and White Horses

    I visited Gogarth this weekend, for the first time in over 30 years. This place holds special memories for me; climbing here as a teenager for the first time was...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • Sarah - Facing The Wall to Conquer Your Fear

    Sarah - Facing The Wall to Conquer Your Fear

    This time last year I had never been on a climbing wall. I heard a talk from mountaineer and climber Bonita Norris, and she said she got into it because...

    HoldBreaker Team |

  • David - Getting high in the low countries

    David - Getting high in the low countries

    Middle-age, it seems, is full of surprises. Of twists and turns that befuddle attempts at prediction and sense-making. These thoughts run through my head as I fiddle with my harness...

    HoldBreaker Team |